Since the first round of the RuneScape Clan Tournament posting took up such an amount of space I decided to only post the final round to keep it simple. The results are listed below.
The Categories:
85-100 20v20 - 'The' Futures
90-105 15 v 15'The' Futures vs Spirits of Runescape
Winner: Spirits of Runescape
95-110 25 v 25Collision vs Red Devil Clan
Winner: Red Devil Clan
Red Devil Clan vs Spirits of Runescape
105 - 115 20 v 20
Divine Forces vs The Mighty Red Dragons
Winner: Divine Forces
110-120 25 v 25 - Corruption
115+ 30 v 30The Dynasty vs The BlacKnights
Winner: The BlacKnights
120+ 15 v 15 - The Mighty Red Dragons
110+ 2 clan v 2 clan (20+20 vs 20+20)
The Titans + Collision - DIVISION WINNER
110- 2 clan v 2 clan (20+20 vs 20+20)
Spirits of Runescape + Shadow Elves - DIVISION WINNER
110+ Range Only 15 v 15
Runescape Dinasty - DIVISION WINNER
110- Range Only 15 v 15
Spirits of Runescape - DIVISION WINNER
110+ P2P Only 15 v 15
Runescape Dinasty - DIVISION WINNER
110- P2P Only 15 v 15
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Runescape Clan Tournament Division Winners
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Round 1 Clan Tournament Results
The first round of results have been completed for the Runescape Clan Tournament organised via Runescape Community Forums
The Categories:
85-100 20v20:
Solar Angels vs Masters Of Zamorak
Winner: Masters Of Zamorak
The Defiance vs Doom
Winner: The Defiance
'The' Futures vs Dark Legion
Winner: 'The' Futures
Global Knights vs TuneScape
Winner: Both DQ'ed
The Death Monkeighs vs Wilderness Warriors
Winner: Both DQ'ed
Diesel vs Spiritz
Winner: Spiritz
90-105 15 v 15:
Solar Angels vs Heroes Of The Future
Winner: Heroes of The Future
Masters Of Zamorak vs Wilderland
Winner: Masters Of Zamorak
Crimson Raiders vs The Red Dragons
Winner: The Red Dragons
The Moriquendi vs Shadow Elves
Winner: The Moriquendi
Warriors of Asgarnia vs The Blacknight Cadets
Winner: The Blacknight Cadets
Junior Raiders vs Zenith Knights
Winner: Junior Raiders
ANZACs vs Scarlet Empire
Winner: ANZACs
'The' Futures vs Swords of Glory
Winner: 'The Futures
The Death Monkeighs vs Wilderness Guardians
Winner: Wilderness Guardians
Wolfpack vs Spiritz
Winner: Wolfpack
Doom vs The Marauders
Winner: The Marauders
Deathrow vs Elite Order
Winner: Deathrow
Free Pass = Spirits of Runescape
95-110 25 v 25:
Wolfpack vs Wilderness Guardians
Winner: Wilderness Guardians
Crimson Raiders vs Blades of Serenity
Winner: Crimson Raiders
Red Devil Clan vs The Blacknights
Winner: Red Devil Clan
Masters of Zamorak vs Spirits of Runescape
Winner: Spirits of Runescape
The Moriquendi vs ANZAC's
Winner: The Moriquendi
Warriors of Asgarnia vs The Corrupted
Winner: The Corrupted
The Runescape Warhungers Federation vs Shadow Elves (TRWF withdrew on the account that they don't have enough people to fight )
Winner: Shadow Elves
Collision vs Hereos of The Future
Winner: Collision
Lithuanian Forces vs Global Knights
Winner: Lithuanian Forces
Scarlet Empire vs Deathrow
Winner: Deathrow
Masters of Dragons vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Dead On Arrival
105 - 115 20 v 20:
Blades of Serenity vs Chivalry Legions
Winner: Chivalry Legions
Red Devil Clan vs Zenith Knights
Winner: Red Devil Clan
The Defiance vs Rune Raiders
Winner: Rune Raiders
The Moriquendi vs Echo of Silence
Winner: Echo of Silence
Conflict vs Corruption
Winner: Corruption
Collision vs Lithuanian Forces
Winner: Collision
The Runescape Warhungers Federation vs Deathrow
Winner: The Runescape Warhungers Federation
Violent Resolution vs 'The' Clan
Winner: Violent Resolution
Divine Forces vs Demonic Empire (DE withdrew)
Winner: Divine Forces
The Mighty Red Dragons vs Swords of Glory
Winner: The Mighty Red Dragons
Wilderland vs Masters of Dragons
Winner: Wilderland
Free pass = Dead on Arrival
110-120 25 v 25:
The Runescape Warhungers Federation vs Divine Forces
Winner: The Runescape Warhungers Federation
Corruption vs Gladiatorz
Winner: Corruption
Collision vs 'The' Clan
Winner: Collision
Lithuanian Forces vs The BlacKnights
Winner: Lithuanian Forces
RuneScape Dinasty vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Runescape Dinasty
The Titans vs Masters of Dragons
Winner: The Titans
Free Pass = Violent Resolution
115+ 30 v 30:
The Dynasty vs 'The' Clan
Winner: The Dynasty
The Mighty Red Dragons vs The BlacKnights
Winner: The BlacKnights
Lithuanian Forces vs Demonic Empire (DE withdrew)
Winner: Lithuanian Forces
RuneScape Dinasty vs Damage Inc
Winner: Damage Inc
Divine Forces vs Chivalry Legions
Winner: Divine Forces
Free Pass = Gladiatorz
120+ 15 v 15:
The Runescape Warhungers Federation vs Gladiatorz
Winner: Gladiatorz
The Dynasty vs Corruption
Winner: The Dynasty
Violent Resolution vs Lithuanian Forces
Winner: Violent Resolution
The Mighty Red Dragons vs The Titans
Winner: The Mighty Red Dragons
RuneScape Dinasty vs 'The' Clan
Winner: Runescape Dinasty
Divine Forces vs Damage Inc
Winner: Damage Inc
110+ 2 clan v 2 clan (20+20 vs 20+20):
The Titans + Collision vs 'The' Clan + Gladiatorz
Winners: The Titans + Collision
Free Pass = Deathrow + Demonic Empire
110- 2 clan v 2 clan (20+20 vs 20+20):
Deathrow + Demonic Empire vs Spirits of Runescape + Shadow Elves
Winner: Spirits of Runescape + Shadow Elves DIVISION WINNER
110+ Range Only 15 v 15:
Corruption vs The Mighty Red Dragons
Winner: Corruption
'The' Clan vs Divine Forces
Winner: 'The' Clan
Echo of Silence vs Gladiatorz
Winner: Both DQ'ed
Most Wanted(Disqualified) vs Damage Inc
Winner: Damage Inc
The Marauders vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Dead On Arrival
Free Pass = RuneScape Dinasty
110- Range Only 15 v 15:
Spirits of Runescape vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Spirits of Runescape DIVISION WINNER
Free Pass = Most Wanted(Disqualified)
110+ P2P Only 15 v 15:
Blades Of Serenity vs Wilderness Guardians
Winner: Blades Of Serenity
Clan Terror vs Damage Inc
Winner: Damage Inc
Reign Of Terror vs The BlacKnights
Winner: The BlacKnights
Conflict vs Gladiatorz
Winner: Gladiatorz
The Mighty Red Dragons vs The Dynasty
Winner: The Dynasty
Lithuanian Forces vs RuneScape Dinasty
Winner: RuneScape Dinasty
The Titans vs Divine Forces
Winner: Divine Forces
Rune Raiders vs Echo of Silence
Winner: Echo of Silence
Most Wanted vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Dead on Arrival
Free Pass = The' Clan
110- P2P Only 15 v 15:
Overdrive vs Blades Of Serenity
Winner: Blades Of Serenity
Scarlet Empire vs Dead On Arrival
Winner: Dead On Arrival
Divine Forces vs Wilderness Guardians
Winner: Divine Forces
Deathrow vs Most Wanted
Winner: Deathrow
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Closure Of A Circle
My clan in Runescape, Sacred Templars, closed and disbanded 27th August after 1 year of rising to compete among the best clans. 151 total members with an average combat of 118+ were left shocked and saddened by the news.
Many players are not sure which clan they will join for future battles - as many had fought only for Sacred Templar glory. It is another blow to honorable clans throughout Runescape, there are now very few in existence.
At this time I am not sure what I will do, as I have not had much time ingame and not been able to concentrate on playing Runescape itself due to other real life issues.
On a brighter note, another clan has formed and is gaining a lot of former ST members, however, there are numerous people who have decided to stop playing runescape while others have given up and decided to join a less honorable clan.
Only time will tell whether former glories can be achieved again through the emergence of Eternal Honour.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Sacred Templars Defeat TRWF
A planned PK run-in saw an epic battle between Sacred Templars (ST) and The Runescape Warhungers Federation (TRWF).
Sacred Templars had been out in the wilderness and had heard there were a few clans out and that Divine Forces (DF) was massing ready to begin their PK Trip. We then heard TRWF had a large number of people and our leader contacted their leader and arranged a PK run-in.
Starting opts:
TRWF 320opts = 107 people
ST 282 opts = 94 people
A full discussion can be viewed at Runescape Community
The epic battle lasted almost 2.5 hours and for most people involved, it was the best wilderness encounter for a long time.
Initially, TRWF had the upperhand as they outnumbered us and were able to take out any ST members quickly who had became isolated. As time passed by, both ST and TRWF lost a few members due to the time of the run-in. TRWF appeared to lose more people than ST as both clans done an admiral job in returning multiple times.
In the end, ST were victorious with around 210 opts (70 people) grouped together when the fighting ended. Overall, this was a great wilderness experience as there were no other clans that intervened, although there were many looters who may well have been the real winners due to the amount of rune sets that were left on the ground.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Jagex Consider Clan Support?
In July, Jagex ran a poll on how people play Runescape. This was a chance for the clan community as a whole to make an impact and show Jagex the number of people who enjoyed the clan worlds. However, due to the options presented, many people missed this opportunity to give some great feedback to Jagex about how important the runescape clan community was.
As you can see from the results, option 3 (I play with a large group/clan of people only received 7% of the votes. This is unlikely to get Jagex to change their views on introducing a fully functioning clan system into Runescape. However, 43% of the people who voted did choose option 4. This may well have been a wasted vote and if any were involved with a clan, they missed the opportunity to influence Jagex decision making.
Just remember, next time if you see a vote that includes an option that mentions clans, then you should make a wise choice and not effectively waste the vote.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Dark Slayers Prevail
Dark Slayers clan (plus future applicants) claimed victory in a 1 vs 3 clan handicap battle.
Dark Slayers and their future applicants had arranged a battle with the Wilderness Guardians (plus their juniors), Cursed Lands and Rune Raiders (plus their juniors).
The summary of the battle is as follows:
Fight began - 7:30 PM
Fight Ended - 8:00 PM
Total Fight time - 30 minutes.
Ds starting options - 399 (190 people)
WG starting options - 330(confirmed)
CL starting options - 220(confirmed)
RR starting options - 250(confirmed)
Ds ending options - 350+
The battle itself was blighted by the presence of the dreaded looter (apparently 120 of them) - In runescape a looter is basically someone too much in love with collecting pixels to get serious about helping a clan improve its wilderness presence.
This showing by DS does tell the clan world that Dark Slayers have a strong future ahead of them due to their future applicant programme. This programme, or similar ones, has been implemented by the majority of the top clans including my own clan, Sacred Templars.
Congratulations Dark Slayers, and hard luck to the other clans who fought in this battle - although it does give a lot of lower level people invaluable battle experience that should ensure the growth and prosperity of their own clans respectively.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Clan Member Lists
In the past, there have been some websites that have tried to get a good clan listing system in place but have since gone down and are no longer maintained.
Currently, there is only one site that I am aware of that is still being maintained and also gives a very solid database for players to check out other clan member lists. The site I am referring to is the RuneScape HighScores Catalogue.
For any players that are not familiar with how the highscores catalogue works, it is primarily used by clans to maintain their members and also get an indication of the overall strength of their clan.
At the time of writing this post, the current top 10 on the clans list is:
As you can see, this is a summary of some of the things that are considered in evaluating who actually are the top 10 clans in Runescape. The number of players in the clan, the average skill level, the average hitpoint level and the average combat level are all factors that can be considered. However, there is no point a clan having all the best averages if they have no activity, and as such, this is a very useful resource regarding runescape clans - but it again cannot give an actual answer to which clans are the top 10 in runescape.
It is invariably the opinion of people at the end of the day that will have their own top 10 clans, and it is fun at times to see how peoples opinions change over time and how actual clans develop as a result of clan leader decisions.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Free to play - Clan Uniform
Generally all clans will have a basic clan uniform based on melee. In the free to play wilderness, melee is the most predominant fighting style and therefore most clans will expect their members to be fighting in full uniforms. The basic uniform is generally full rune equipment with a rune scimitar as the weapon of choice. The cape colour will vary depending on which clan you belong to while some clans may not insist on the leather boots or the green dragon vambraces. This uniform has been an accepted part of clans for a long time. However, the recent new boots for free to play may become part of the uniforms due to having slightly better stats than the basic leather boots. In general, if a clan wears the same uniform they are less likely to attack each other in the heat of battle, although it does happen from time to time.
In addition to Clan Leaders insisting on members wearing an appropriate uniform, they will normally also insist on having a basic inventory of food and potions. On free to play servers this is normally 1 basic strength potion and 27 cooked Swordfish as players on free to play servers cannot use any other potions at this time. Some clans may opt for 2 basic strength potions and fill the remaining inventory with cooked lobster. The choice is purely down to the clan leader and council.
Overall, if a clan does not have a uniform of some sort they will be weaker due to the fact not everyone will always bring the best equipment available to them. If people are not wearing decent equipment, or if they dont wear a full uniform, then collectively as a unit, they will have lower overall strength, defense and power.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Sacred Templars Vs Divine Forces
The scene is set.
Sacred Templars start to muster for a PK trip and Divine Forces have already been out pking and have large options of around 270 (90 players). Sacred Templars pull together 210opts (70 players) and know that Divine Forces are out in the wild. A request for a planned run-in is made and subsequently accepted. Returning was permitted and no boundaries had been set. Below is one of the options pictures for Divine Forces and at this time I do not have any starting opts pictures for Sacred Templars.
Sacred Templars march into the battlefield and rush the waiting Divine Forces Clan. Immediately, Sacred Templars are scattered and disorganised due to being spread out by marching in the way they had. Divine Forces quickly get into the swing of things and are piling people quite effectively and managing to keep their attacking groups limited to about 2 main calling piles. The battle starts to spread out and there are many Sacred Templars walking around looking for a target to attack as they have chased a Divine Forces member east, then chased them west and then east again. The signs look ominous for the Sacred Templars - defeat is inevitable on this occasion as the initial attacks left the templar forces spread far and wide.
The green dots in these 3 pictures represent Sacred Templar members. As can be seen in the first two pictures, Divine Forces appear to have much greater control over their organisation, subsequently appearing more effective in picking off opponents.
However, the pictures are not 100% accurate, not all clan members are visible as green dots due to having their private chat off.This final picture shows more what battles normally appear to be - close knit groups of friends working together to try and successfully overcome all foes in front of them. During this particular encounter, there were not many moments where either clan showed full control over their actions.
On this occasion though, Divine Forces did hold their ranks tighter and as a result duely claimed victory.
The Victory celebrations can be seen in full flow below at Edgeville Bank after the Divine Forces Clan has returned from the Wilderness.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
What makes a clan successful?
Ultimately, depending on other people for success is an inherent flaw in the clan system. It is a flaw because of the diversity of the people coming together and the various time zones that players belong to.
Ideally, a successful clan would be one that displays complete trust in all of its members and can always rely on activity when it is needed most - as a display of strength.
Many clans rise and fall within Runescape due to the voltatile nature of many of the leaders. The major downfall for many may be the leader itself who can display an ego problem, a problem with managing people or simply cluelessness and the inability to make key decisions.
Successful clans generally display similar traits:
1. A strong leader always prepared to make decisions in the interests of the clan
2. A loyal group of friends that will always help defend a friend
3. An enjoyment of wilderness PK trips and battles
4. Generally abiding by Jagex Rules - which helps control the turnover
5. Highly active members willing to attend both PK events and non-pk events
Of course, there are many other factors that are included when considering what makes a clan successful. I have simply stated a few that I believe are common to many of the top clans. If you feel there are any noteworthy aspects left out then feel free to comment and I can later amend the list to include it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Runescape Clan Ranks - June 2006
1. DI - Damage Incorporated
2. DS - Dark Slayer
3. RSD - Runescape Dinasty
4. The - The Clan
5. Gladz - The Gladiatorz
6. ST - Sacred Templars
7. TRWF - The Runescape Warhungers Federation
8. Corr - Corruption
9. DF - Divine Forces
10. MK - Mystic Knights
This is my opinion of the current top 10 in the Runescape World.
There are some noted exceptions and mainly Hostile Alliance has been excluded as I do not know enough about them although I am aware they can muster quite high numbers of players on occasions. Time will tell if they make it into the top 10.
Discuss who your top 10 would be or who deserves to be in the top 10.
Areas to judge when making your decision are:
1. Numbers of players
2. Activity of players
3. War results
4. Normal Pk battles
5. Overall Attitude of members within the clan.