Thursday, August 17, 2006

Jagex Consider Clan Support?

In July, Jagex ran a poll on how people play Runescape. This was a chance for the clan community as a whole to make an impact and show Jagex the number of people who enjoyed the clan worlds. However, due to the options presented, many people missed this opportunity to give some great feedback to Jagex about how important the runescape clan community was.


As you can see from the results, option 3 (I play with a large group/clan of people only received 7% of the votes. This is unlikely to get Jagex to change their views on introducing a fully functioning clan system into Runescape. However, 43% of the people who voted did choose option 4. This may well have been a wasted vote and if any were involved with a clan, they missed the opportunity to influence Jagex decision making.

Just remember, next time if you see a vote that includes an option that mentions clans, then you should make a wise choice and not effectively waste the vote.

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