Sunday, May 06, 2007

Runescape RAW League

Runescape clans have began to be more organised in a sense when dealing with clan ranks. This has taken the form of the RAW League with the primary aim of regular warring within the runescape community.

Not all clans have taken it upon themselves to be entered into the league ranking and not all clans wishing to be included would adhere to the rules. As of 27/04/07 the following clan rank list was updated to reflect the current standings:

1. Divine Forces (DF)
2. Corruption (Corr)
3. Damage Inc. (DI)
4. Lithuanian Forces (LF)
5. The Runescape Warhungers Federation (TRWF)
6. THE (THE)
7. The Mighty Red Dragons (TMRD)
8. BlacKnights (BK)
9. Eternal Honour (EH)
10. Violent Resolution (VR)
11. Chivalry Legions (CL)
12. Anarchy (@)
13. Wilderland (WL)
14. RuneScape Elites ((RE)
15. Gladiatorz (GLADZ)
16. Red Devil Clan (RDC)
17. The Flipscapes Clan (TFC) ~
18. The British Elites (TBE) +
19. Masters of Dragons (MoD)
20. Echo of Silence (EoS) +

The RAW clan ranks are not an official method of ranking clans but it is a good indication on how various clans are performing on the battlefront.

A total of 60 clans are currently active in the listing and I felt giving a list of the top 20 would suffice to demonstrate a level of warring required to make it to that level.

Jagex presently do not have any clan support in runescape and the formation of the RAW league and its success, may persuade Jagex to look at implementing greater clan facilities into runescape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about the Runelords?